is the process by which the Catholic Church prepares and welcomes new members who are over the age of seven and who have either not been baptized or have been baptized in other faith communities and who which to join the Catholic Church. This process includes learning sessions and prayer with the catechumens (those who have not been baptized) and with the candidates (those who have been baptized).
Rite of Reception (Conf./Euch.) Any Sunday Candidates Parish
Each of these rituals provides the chance for the parish to pray for the people of our community who wish to join the Catholic Church.
At the same time these rituals provide prayerful support and encouragement to the catechumens (the unbaptized) and the candidates (those who have been baptized in other faith communities).
These rituals will be celebrated when the catechumen(s) and candidate(s) are present at Mass.
Please check the bulletin for more information about each of these rituals, when they will be celebrated, and offer your prayerful support of our catechumens and candidates for Initiation and Reception into the Catholic Church.
THE RITE OF SENDING CATECHUMENS AND CANDIDATES TO THE BISHOP is celebrated on the First Sunday of Lent. The Rite of Sending is celebrated with the catechumes (the unbaptized) who has been preparing for many months to join the Catholic Church through Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. This rite offers the local parish the opportunity to express our approval of the catechumens and to send them forth to the Bishop for the Rite of Election with the assurance of the parish’s care and support. In the evening catechumens from around the Diocese will gather at the Cathedral with their godparents to be chosen, accepted, and elected by the Bishop to complete their initiation into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. After this ritual they are no longer known as catechumens, but “the Elect.” The Church community plays an important role in giving good example to the elect as we prepare to celebrate the Easter solemnities that has the focus the Sacrament of Baptism.
This rite also offers the local parish the opportunity to express our approval of the candidates who are seeking to complete their Christian initiation through Confirmation and Eucharist and to send them forth to the Bishop for the Rite of the Call to Continuing Conversion with the assurance of the parish’s care and support. In the evening candidates from around the Diocese will gather at the Cathedral with their sponsors to be affirmed by the Bishop as they enter the final weeks of preparation complete their initiation into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil.
THE RITE OF ELECTION of Catechumens preparing for the sacraments of initiation is usually celebrated on the First Sunday of Lent and is called both “election” and the “enrollment of names.” This step in the RCIA process is called election “because the acceptance made by the Church is founded on the election by God, in whose name the Church acts” (119). This solemn celebration is usually presided over by the bishop in the cathedral church. As part of this step in the initiation process, the candidates, as a pledge of fidelity, inscribe their names in the book of the elect. All the elect write their names in the book indicating they have been chosen for baptism. From the day of election to the celebration of initiation, they are called “the elect” and described as compententes (co-petitioners) since they are joined together when asking to receive the three sacraments of Christ (baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist) and the gift of the Holy Spirit. The elect are also called illuminandi (those who will be enlightened) “because baptism itself has been called illuminatio (enlightenment) and it fills the newly baptized with the light of faith” (124).
The Rite of Election is celebrated on the First Sunday of Lent, marks the end of the catechumenate period and begins the period of final, more intense preparation for the sacraments of initiation for Catechumens. This period is called the period of Purification and Enlightenment. Up to this point, the Church has offered formation in the Catholic faith but has not made a final decision about the Catechumen’s readiness for the initiation sacraments. The Church is now ready, officially and finally, to call them to the fullness of life with the Church this Easter. The Rite of Election is celebrated in Storm Lake and Sioux City on the First Sunday of Lent with the Bishop presiding. As pastor of the Diocese, it is the bishop’s privilege and responsibility to call those who are ready to the Sacraments of Initiation. The Rite for catechumens is called “Election” because God elects or chooses them for the Sacraments of Initiation through the Church. From this point on, Catechumens will be known as “The Elect.”
THE RITE OF CALLING TO CONTINUING CONVERSION, is celebrated on the First Sunday of Lent, marks the end of the primary catechetical period and begins the period of final, more intense preparation for the sacraments of initiation for Candidates for Full Initiation. This period is called the period of Purification and Enlightenment. Up to this point, the Church has offered formation in the Catholic faith but has not made a final decision about the Candidate’s readiness for the initiation sacraments. The Church is now ready, officially and finally, to call them to the fullness of life with the Church this Easter. The Rite of Call to Continuing Conversion is celebrated in the Diocese of Sioux City in Storm Lake and Sioux City or in the parish of the Candidate on the First Sunday of Lent.
THE PENITENTIAL RITE (SCRUTINY) is celebrated on the Second Sunday of Lent with the Candidates for Full Initiation in the parish. This ritual serves as a ritual of Lenten purification for the Candidates. During this ritual, that takes place after the Homily, intercessions are offered for the Candidates to assist them to be ready to join the Church.
THE FIRST SCRUTINY is celebrated on the Third Sunday of Lent with the Elect (unbaptized) in the Parish. This ritual is for the purification and strengthening for baptism for the elect. The priest and the people of God pray over and for the elect that the elect may acknowledge their sinfulness and be protected from evil so that the elect “may come to worship the Father in truth.”
THE PRESENTATION OF THE CREED is celebrated during the Third Week of Lent with the elect (unbaptized). During this ritual the elect are presented with the essential mysteries of our faith we profess in the Nicene Creed and God is asked to purify the elect to make them worthy to receive the grace of baptism.
THE SECOND SCRUTINY is celebrated on the Fourth Sunday of Lent with the Elect (unbaptized) in the Parish. This ritual is for the purification and strengthening for baptism for the elect. The priest and the people of God pray over and for the elect that the elect may reject the false values that surround and blind us and so they may stand firmly in Christ’s truth.
THE THIRD SCRUTINY is celebrated on the Fifth Sunday of Lent with the Elect (unbaptized) in the Parish. This ritual is for the purification and strengthening for baptism for the elect. The priest and the people of God pray over and for the elect that the elect may be freed from the death-dealing power of the spirit of evil and bear witness to the risen Christ.
THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD'S PRAYER is celebrated during the Fifth Week of Lent with the Elect (unbaptized) in the Parish. The elect are reminded that Jesus taught his followers how to pray and God is asked to deepen the faith and understanding of the elect.
RITE OF INITIATION (Bapt./Conf./Euch.)