As you may know, the book, and now movie, entitled “50 Shades of Grey” has been extremely popular and heavily promoted. Unfortunately, this book is a vile and vicious piece of pornography of the worst sort, promoting not merely promiscuity and marital infidelity, but also violent and degrading views of and sexual behavior against women. I’m sure you would all agree with me that part of the immorality of all forms of pornography is its objectification of both men and women. When that objectification is combined with masochism and other forms of violence in the sexual act, as in this case, the harm it does to women, and thus also to families and children, is immensely greater.
Bishop Richard Malone of Buffalo, who is the chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth, has asked bishops to speak out more strongly against these evils, and against the ever-growing plague of pornography in general. And Bishop Nickless is asking all priests and laity to help him do this.
Bishop Nickless says, “I encourage all of you to help me to share, again and again, the truths of God’s plan for marriage and family, and the grave harm that pornography does to women and children, and likewise to those who use it. We must not be silent in the face of such debilitating cultural mores, but bring the saving light and grace and truth of our Lord to those who need it most.”
Here are some links to more resources you may find helpful in addressing these issues: