On Tuesday July 14 it was announced that a top executive at Planned Parenthood Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, was caught on tape. And what is revealed is downright horrific.
Warning: Her words are deeply disturbing. The new undercover footage shows Dr. Nucatola describing how Planned Parenthood allegedly sells the body parts of aborted children and using partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts to Pro-life investigators from the Center for Medical Progress who posed as businessmen interested in acquiring fetal body parts. Dr. Nucutola described in detail that abortion procedures are tailored in order to preserve the organs of unborn children:
“I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps. The kind of rate-limiting step of the procedure is calvarium. Calvarium—the head—is basically the biggest part.”
“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
There are laws against this as Federal law bans the sale of body parts of aborted babies and makes the sale or purchase a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison, and a fine of up to $500,000. But this video shows that the abortion industry is so callous that they don’t blink an eye at the trafficking of baby body parts. We need to get to the bottom of this gruesome black market and to let Americans know exactly what is happening in abortion facilities across the country. I urge you to call the Capitol Switchboard at
202-224-3121, ask to speak to your Representative, and demand that Congress hold an immediate investigation into this barbaric practice. You may also our representatives. Contact information may be found on the parish website.
Sen. Charles Grassley
135 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510-1501
Sen. Joni Ernst
825 B&C Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510-0001