CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS CAMPAIGN COLLECTION will be taken May 30-31. If Jesus Christ were on earth today, how would he spread his message of salvation? Would he use television, radio, newspapers, text messages, billboards, DVDs, or would Jesus be right here on the Internet? The Catholic Communication Campaign believes Jesus would use as many means as possible, and that is why its supports projects that use the entire array of media tools available today to evangelize and promote Gospel values.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops established the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) collection in 1979 to respond to the national and local communications needs of the Church. The collection is unique in that proceeds are split equally between each participating diocese and the national office. Dioceses use their 50% share of the CCC collection to support local communications efforts such as televised Masses and diocesan newspapers. On the national level, CCC funds support the development and production of a wide range of media initiatives that are carried out by USCCB staff and grantee organizations. A portion of the CCC’s national funds are also set aside for grants to aid Catholic communication efforts in developing nations.